
For NRS Submissions, Province of Residence is considered a mandatory field for admission assessments during CIHI submission, Therefore when NRS submission file is generated it should have valid Province of Residence code specified. I.e see below 



The mapping is defined in below two table:

  • tr_SubmissionFieldMappedDef

  • Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues


The problem with NHH Q1 submissions was that after the recent movement from Enterprise client to SaaS the following mapping in the Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues did not have its correspondent values. 

Even though the client had province entered into TREAT demographics (Tr_clients) there was no mapping defined in Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues which caused missing province code in the submission file 

I.e see below 



Below is the rejection error that user was received in the CIHI feedback file due to the blank field in the submission file:



After comparing mappings with others sites(SRJH and RMH) we noticed that the below FiledMappedID 39 was missing for NHH in Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues


The valid/province code is shared in the NRS specifications which the location is shared below.


As a resolution, we inserted the missing mapping the Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues

(Please find below SQL scripts for your reference)

Now that the mapping is done the client can reject the previous assessments in the treat and resend a new sequence.

Insert SQL Scripts :

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'AB', 'AB' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'BC', 'BC' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'MB', 'MB' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'NB', 'NB' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'NF', 'NF' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'NL', 'NL' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'NS', 'NS' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'NT', 'NT' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'NU', 'NU' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'OC', 'OC' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'ON', 'ON' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'PE', 'PE' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'QC', 'QC' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'SK', 'SK' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'YK', 'YK' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', 'YT', 'YT' )

Insert into Tr_SubmissionFieldMappedValues Values ( '3700', 'CLI', '39', '*', '-90' )


Location for NRS Spec:S:\Products\TREAT\NRS\Specifications\Functional Specs\2018-2019\CIHIUpdate[Jan29]\NRS_MDS_manual(March14)
